Thursday, February 26, 2009

"The least of these" is me.

Well, today marks the first day of my spring break, which is pretty crazy, because it's February and it's still cold. But that's okay. I'm looking forward to having some time to refresh and spend with famiy. I came home tonight to watch Taylor in his school's musical, Cinderella. He did a great job as a townsperson and had two lines: "Herman?" and "Macey?" I was proud of my little bro! Grandmother and Papa came up from Georgia for the weekend, so it's been nice visiting with them.

Nate and I are leaving in a few days to check out a seminary in California. I'll post more about that when I get back. I really have no idea what to expect, so it should be interesting. Other than that, I plan on getting some reading and writing done over break. I know the semester is gonna fly when I get back, so I'm trying to get things done now so I can fully enjoy my last two months of school!

Today I was re-reading some of Brennan Manning's The Ragamuffin Gospel. If you haven't read this book, you should. But just as a warning, it will mess you up! There were times that I was so convicted that I just had to close the book and pray. Today was one of those days.

Manning was talking about the verse that says, "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me." This verse is quoted so many times, especially on mission trips, homeless outreaches, etc. I think I even have a t-shirt from a trip I went on with that verse printed on the back.

Manning goes on to quote Carl Jung when he said, "What if you discovered that the least of the brethren of Jesus, the one who needs your love the most, the one you can help the most by loving, the one to whom your love will be most meaningful-what if you discovered that the least of the brethren of you?"

Bam! That definitely gave me something to chew on. It seems so prideful for me to say that I'm serving "the least of these" because that implies that I am greater than them. And who defines the least and the greatest anyways? In scripture, it seems like the people that society viewed as the least were actually the ones who were the most in tune with the Lord. The people off the streets were the ones who showed up to the wedding banquet. And didn't Jesus say "the last shall be first and the first shall be last"?

Maybe I've had the wrong view all along. Maybe the poor and the outcasts aren't really "the least of these." Maybe "the least of these" is actually me.

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