Monday, March 9, 2009

meaningless, meaningless

I just got back from having a heart-to-heart conversation with a dear friend of mine (over a cup of chai tea, of course). I love talking to others and hearing what the Lord is teaching them- I always seem to be challenged and encouraged in my own walk.

We were talking about how as college students, we sometimes feel the pressure to graduate and apply what we've learned by getting a job and making as much money as possible. It's almost like the world has set up for us this cookie cutter idea of what life is supposed to be like. Do anything else and you're just asking for trouble.

I know I'm young and I've never truly had to live on my own and pay my own bills, but to me, money is just not that important. I honestly don't care about being rich or having a big house and fancy clothes. Those things are so temporary and fleeting.

My friend and I discussed Solomon's advice in Ecclesiastes. This guy was really wise and experienced and he was basically writing to tell everyone that everything is meaningless! He says that wisdom, pleasures, toil and advancement are all meaningless. "What does a man get for all the toil and anxious striving with which he labors under the sun? All his days his work is pain and grief; even at night his mind does not rest. This too is meaningless." Ecclesiastes 2:22-23

I don't want to wake up one day 10 years down the road and realize that my work and efforts have been for a meaningless cause. I'm not certain what type of career I will have one day, but I know that whatever I do, I want it to have eternal significance. I don't want to just work in order to pay the bills. I want to have a purpose. And my purpose in whatever career I have should be simply to share the love of Jesus. Period.

So I'm moving away to Hawaii for a year. It's crazy, exciting and scary all at the same time. Sometimes I feel like a slacker for not getting a "real" job yet. I'm not going to be all. But that's really okay with me. But I know that God has called me...and He is continually calling me, to be His hands and feet and share His love with those around me. For now, it's at Campbell, soon it will be with teenagers in Nashville, TN, and then with international students in Hawaii. God only knows where He will take me after that. It's an exciting ride and sometimes I feel like I'm just hanging on tight with my eyes squeezed shut, never knowing what is around the next corner.

I never want to lose sight of what truly matters: Loving Jesus and sharing His love with others.

Everything meaningless.

1 comment:

  1. i know i comment on everything...i hope i don't talk too much!

    this is a REALLY great thing to recognize before graduation - i have always felt the same way about money and "success" - who defines that anyway?

    the only thing i would add is that in some people's lives, their career purpose IS to make money in order to support their REAL purpose (which is outside of their 8-5 job), obviously while still trying to make an impact in their daily job too.

    for you and i, i don't really see that as being the way we can live - we are both too restless to be serving "hands-on" to be working for the man all day. but i think for some people, it works! and God gives them the calling to be the foundation for the rest of us who want to serve in the mission field full-time or maybe don't make as much money and need the ministry support!

    what are you doing in nashville this summer?
