Monday, March 23, 2009

The Power of One

This past weekend I attended the NC Missions Conference. Every year I look forward to this conference with great anticipation because it is an amazing time of worship and fellowship with missionaries from NC and all over the world.

Terry Rae, a good friend of ours from South Africa, was the speaker. He has an amazing gift of speaking the truth. His words challeneged and encouraged me to be the one to stand in the gap for Christ in a world that is dry and deceived. Shane and Shane led worship for us. Those guys are incredibly gifted and have the most humble and honest hearts. It was a blessing to spend time with them this weekend and worship together.

Probably my favorite part of the weekend was hearing the stories of the missionaries from around the world. I pretty much want to get on an airplane and go on a world tour now, stopping in each of their countries to be a part of the amazing work God is doing! (seriously).

The theme of the weekend was "The Power of One." It was taken from the story of the little boy who gives his lunch to Jesus. He takes that one lunch and feeds thousands. Through the testimonies that were shared, I learned about the power of one.

One baby found in a dumpster in Johannesburg, South Africa inspired one woman to start an orphange.
One hole in the wall provided refuge for women who would have otherwise abandoned their babies.
One vision from God and one woman's obedience has saved nearly 1,000 babies through the Door of Hope.
One man living comfortably in India heard God's call to go to the poorest, most dangerous state in his country.
One well provided clean drinking water for an entire village. Now over 200 wells have been provided for the people of Bihar, giving them a chance to hear about Jesus, the Living Water.
One poor gypsy man in Ukraine had a vision that all of the gypsies in Ukraine would come to know Christ. The faith of this one man spread and now the KGB listening center has been transformed into a church where hundreds of gypsies gather together to worship.
All of these stories happened because of the One and Only, Jesus.

He is the one who changed my life. It is my prayer and hope that He will use me share his love with others so He can make a difference in their lives as well.


  1. i want to travel with you and run an orphanage!! lets do it together! Whats better than doing it with your best friend! Love you!
