Saturday, April 11, 2009

The story that is still changing lives...

Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays. Not just because I have an obsession with candy and Easter baskets, but because the story of Christ's death and resurrection continues to amaze me.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that it actually happened.

When I was younger, I had the privilege of travelling to Israel with my grandparents. One of the coolest memories I have from that trip is visiting Jesus' tomb. I walked into the stone garden tomb...and it was empty! I stood in the exact place that Jesus' body once lay and three days later was raised to life. How amazing!

I'm constantly amazed at the story of Jesus. It happened so long ago, but is still so real and continues to change lives. I am so excited because tomorrow morning, my good friend Flora is going to be baptized.

Flora is from China and she came to study at Campbell in the fall of 2007. She accepted Christ during her first semester at Campbell and has continued to grow in her walk since then. Flora stayed with me this weekend as last night as we were falling asleep, we began to think back on her spiritual journey.

It is amazing how God brought her to the small town of Buies Creek to reveal himself to her. It was through different events and circumstances that she came to believe in Christ. She began coming to Encounter (a Bible study for international students) and grew in her knowledge of God. Now her boyfriend is a Christian and she is praying for her parents' salvation as well. God is using Flora and I believe that He has got a great plan for her life and will use her to impact many people for His glory.

I am excited to be there for her special day tomorrow. What better day to be baptized than the day that Jesus rose from the dead?!

Praise God because He lives!


  1. I'm glad you had such a great Easter! :)

    I heard about Flora's decision to be baptized last week.... so amazing! I wish I could have been there and I can't wait to talk to her about it.

    God is sooooo good!

    Also, I remember looking about your pictures of the tomb. That is so cool that you were able to go there and see it and be reminded that Jesus is alive. One thing my pastor said this morning is that Jesus is not the secret to life, He is life! How cool is that? :)

  2. This is so great! Gave me goosebumps
