Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sweet College Memories

The past few days have been kind of a daze for me. I don't think it has really sunk in that I am officially finished with school. For the past 17 years, school has been my life, but when I finished my Spanish paper this afternoon, I also finished my formal education for the time being. I am not coming back after summer. I am done. Wow.

I was blessed with having absolutely no exams this week (actually, I take that back- I had one exam, but all we had to do was meet and go out for pizza...the professor paid- pretty sweet deal, huh?) so I have been doing a lot of reflecting in my time off. I've tried to spend as much time as possible walking around campus and soaking in all the memories I have in Buies Creek.

Today I sat outside by the fountain and reflected for a while. Every building, every path, even every bench has a memory that goes along with it. As I closed my eyes, I could remember back to freshman year when my family first dropped me off at my dorm. I was so excited about college. I didn't cry, I was just happy! I remember doing crazy things in the dorm, like having shaving cream wars, and going swimming in the fountain late one night. And of course, all the themed dress up parties we had!
I remembered the countless times I have tripped on the blasted bricks going to and from class. I remember when my friend Wee planned a "banana night" and we all wore yellow and made banana hats and played banana games! I thought back to my sophomore year when my group of friends consisted of six girls from 5 different countries. We would stay up late in Wafaa's apartment and drink Moroccan tea and laugh the night away.Some of my sweetest memories are with my international friends. Spending weekends and holidays with them, going to the beach, seeing them grow. As I walked back to my apartment today, I remembered the countless times Alicia and I prayer walked on that very path. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30-2, that walk was our Jesus time. People passing by probably thought we were talking to each other :)

I remember all the meals I've had in Marshbanks (the good and the not so good!), the concerts and plays, the carnivals and trips to Sunni Sky's. It's so hard for me to fathom that my college experience is over. Tomorrow I will leave Buies Creek with all my belongings packed in my little Toyota and never move back.

I expected that I would be really sad right about now. I've always been a sucker for good-byes. 5th grade graduation was probably the saddest day of my life...seriously, we've got it on video! But for some strange reason, the sadness hasn't hit me. Maybe it's coming, but maybe it's not going to. I really feel like God has prepared me well for this life transition and I feel a peace about leaving and moving on to the places God has called me to be.

I will definitely miss people, no doubt about it. But I really believe that I'll be able to keep in touch with my friends as we go our separate ways.

These four years have been an incredible journey for me. I came in as an 18-year-old girl and I'm leaving as a 22-year-old young woman. My relationship with Christ has blossomed and I have developed friendships that I hope will last a lifetime. I have grown academically, spiritually and I now feel prepared to face the future with confidence.

I am so excited about working M-Fuge in Nashville this summer and then moving to Hawaii in July. So many transitions are about to take place. College has been absolutely wonderful. I'm so thankful for the friendships and experiences I have had at Campbell. I will always look back and remember the sweet memories I have had in "The Creek." It's been fun, exciting, challenging, and wonderful.

As wonderful as it has been, I'm determined that I will not allow college to be "the best years of my life." The future is bright and promising and I couldn't be more excited.

Let the good times continue!


  1. What a great tribute to Campbell and to you - a young woman - who God has grown spiritually. I am very excited for you. I know God has great plans for you. Let me know about what you are doing in Hawaii! "I thank my God for you...." (Philippians)

    Margaret Harding
    WMU NC

  2. Wow! I can relate. I remember my last days at Campbell. I had the best time of my life there; I love that place! It's so bittersweet every time I go back there. Awww.. Congrats...and God Bless! :)

  3. i'm SO glad to read these fond comments & the excitement you have about going forward; it is a very surreal thing to leave college & face "real life" but i have always thought that for me, there was no better foundation for my personal spiritual development & journey than campbell to take me into the next part of my life & that sounds like it holds true for you too.

    i am SO proud of you and the way that you used your experience to impact others, especially international students! God uses you in BIG ways & i can't even imagine what's in store for you, it will be great!!

    i will see you on saturday! congratulations meredith!!
